Monday, August 15, 2011

Dork Trek

For almost 10 years the Mike and Bob show was on in either the Afternoons or Mornings (or through replays, sometimes both) in the Norfolk, Virginia area. It was unlike any radio show or podcast out, and I never noticed just how much so until the show was abruptly canceled in Mid-April. Without warning the radio station 96x changed format and got rid of the long-running, best part of their station. The two weeks between the cancelation of the Mike and Bob Show and the start of the Bob's Boneyard Podcast were two of the longest weeks of my life. I'm not Captain Fitness, but I like to work-out, go to the gym or jog around the neighborhood, I would listen to the Mike and Bob podcast while doing this, when I discovered that the Mike and Bob Show was available in Podcast form, working out went from a tedious activity to a highlight of my day. During that two week span between Mike and Bob and Bob's Boneyard I searched for a new podcast to help pass the time, and thats when I discovered, there wasn't any other show close to the Mike and Bob Show. I'm sure a lot of people feel that way about their favorite shows or podcasts, but in this case, there really wasn't another show that covered such a wide area of topics from sports, to music, to Mel Gibson and Charlie Sheen rants to nerdy stuff like Star Trek: The Next Generation. What I began having to do to fill the void was download several different podcast, I downloaded sports podcast like "1st and Ten" (I admit to being a big fan of Skip Bayless) I would try to cover my nerdy bases by downloading "The Nerdist" Podcast, would try to cover my dick and fart humor by listening to various Kevin Smith podcast, and I would fill my most nerdy needs by downloading several different Star Trek podcasts.

That was about the time I realized as much as I liked Star Trek, and I love Star Trek, I would say Deep Space Nine is my favorite show of all-time and I love TNG and TOS and once you get past the terrible theme song even Enterprise is really good, I'm not nearly as devoted as some of these people are doing these other Star Trek Podcast. I also realized Star Trek fans must not have a sense of humor, all of the various podcast were dry and bland. The thing about Star Trek that has to be realized is that as great a show as it may be there is a lot to poke fun at, and these other Trek Podcast didn't point that kind of stuff out, they treated Star Trek more like a religion than a TV show.

After two weeks of no Mike and Bob Show, the Bob's Boneyard Podcast would premier, and the internet was going nuts, the first episode was every bit as good as the Mike and Bob Show and later episodes would prove to be even better than its predecessor and as several people have said, and I agree, Bob's Boneyard was the natural evolution of the Mike and Bob Show. The title Bob's Boneyard comes from the fact that the three members were fired by 96x Owner Bob Sinclair.

Bob's Boneyard would lead to other podcasts, including the great and wonderful Dork Trek. Dork Trek was the kind of thing I was looking for when I was "auditioning" new podcasts. While the others podcast treated Star Trek as the Holy Grail and no laughing matter, Dork Trek, pokes fun at it, because there is a lot to make fun of.

Dork Trek features Lt. Commander Bob Fresh, Lt. Commander Tug Johnson and Lt. Commander Dennis Black and Asian, as well as a revolving fourth member. They dress in Star Trek The Next Generation outfits, watch an episode, and then comment on the episode they just watched, describing the episode's plot, while poking fun at stuff along the way. There was some stuff they've commented on were I thought I was the only one that found it funny, like Tasha Yar growing up on a planet seemingly surrounded by Rape Gangs, and then point out stuff that I never noticed, like Captain Picard surrendering the Enterprise several times in just the first couple of episodes, including giving up his command a couple of times as well.

So far the dudes have commented on just a few episodes through the first season, the great thing is there is still 6 and a half season for the dudes to make fun of, this I'm looking forward to. If you're a fan of Star Trek, wether you're a hardcore fan (which I would say I was in that category) or a casual fan, or just someone looking for an excuse to get into a 25 year old show, then Dork Trek could be just the thing for you. Another great thing about Dork Trek is like the way the Mike and Bob Show rekindled my love of Predator, Dork Trek reminded me of my love for Star Trek The Next Generation, and thanks to their podcast and Netflix putting the show on watch instantly, I've watched the first season in about 4 days.

Dork Trek is available on iTunes, just search for it. New episodes come out every Tuesday and Thursday. There is a lot of Star Trek material on the internet machine, but Dork Trek is by far the best.

Click Here to Check Out the Dork Trek Site

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