Monday, October 10, 2011


Hey everybody: MY NAME'S NICK!!! Welcome to the first of hopefully many "NICK'S PICK'S" on 300 THOUGHTS AND RUNNING.


So, being a big movie buff and an even BIGGER comic book fan, I am eagerly anticipating the big screen premier of "EARTH'S MIGHTIEST HEROES." That's right, people: dreams do come true! Come May of 2012 The AVENGERS will be rocking the box office and making geeks, nerds, and dorks around the world scream "EXCELSIOR!" at the top of their lungs as they witness the biggest of MARVEL's comic heroes team up to face a common threat they can't battle alone!

This Tuesday, the first official trailer for THE AVENGERS(aside from the teaser at the end of CAPTAIN AMERICA). I'm anxious to see the whole team together and how they interact. We already know who the major players will be: Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, The Hulk, Black Widow, Hawkeye, and the guy that brought them all together, Nick Fury. But this is MARVEL we're talking about: they love to throw cameos and Easter eggs into their films for the comic fans to catch. So surely this list will expand... right?

Sure enough, we already know that Maria Hill(comic wise, Fury's 2nd in command at S.H.I.E.L.D.) will be coming to the big screen. But who else might we see coming to the big screen? With nearly 50 years of comic continuity under their belt and a constantly changing roster, there are quite a number of characters to choose from the Avengers' history. While I could go on and on about who I would like to see make the movie, I decided it best to simply name the 5 characters I would like to see in next years film and the probability of them actually making an appearance in the film.

5. Hank Pym (a.k.a: Ant Man, Giant Man, Goliath, Yellow Jacket, etc.)
One of the founding members of The AVENGERS, scientist Hank Pym initially joined the team as ANT MAN. Using a formula made of "Pym Particles," Pym was able to shrink down to the size of an insect yet still retained his strength. He also used a special helmet he created to communicate with and control insects. Later, he expanded his powers to grow to giant proportions as well. While he has had some set backs in his career(including one count of spousal abuse, a temporary case of schizophrenia, and the creation of Avenger villain Ultron), he has proven himself time and again as a hero along with his on-again/off-again love, Janet van Dyne(the Wasp).
Appearance Odds: Out of the heroes I'm going to name, Ant Man is the most likely to appear. Edgar Wright(SHAUN OF THE DEAD, HOT FUZZ, SCOTT PILGRIM VS. THE WORLD) is busy in pre production on a stand alone ANT MAN movie and internet rumors persist that Pym will make an appearance. Of course, as of right now, this cameo is just that: a rumor. And until I see the movie I REFUSE to believe Pym will be played by Nathan Fillion. Look nerds: I love Nathan Fillion as much as the next Brown Coat, but that doesn't mean I think he should be in EVERY nerd property that comes up.

4. The Vision
Yes, "Even an android can cry." The Vision was created by the nihilistic cyborg, ULTRON, to destroy the  Avengers. But after some reprogramming, Vision gained a conscience and became the android with a heart. Possessing a range of abilities(including, flight, density/mass control, energy projection, super strength, etc.) he became a regular member of the roster and one of its most reliable members. He also fell in love and married the Scarlet Witch, Wanda Maximoff. They even had a couple of kids...(more on that later).
Appearance Odds: In this first movie? Not likely. But I can see him possibly appearing in a sequel somewhere down the line. After all, he was created by ULTRON, who is one of the Avengers greatest enemies. It's only a matter of time before tin face makes his debut.

3. Wanda Maximoff, the Scarlet Witch
A former member of Magneto's Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, Wanda Maximoff eventually reformed and joined the ranks of the Avenger's along with another former Brotherhood member, her brother Pietro "Quicksilver" Maximoff. With her magic "Hex" powers, she proved herself a powerful member of the team. A kind individual, she became loved by all, especially the android Vision who won her heart. Sadly, the deepest cut is usually delivered by those we love: after losing the twins she conceived with Vision, Wanda had a breakdown. Her "Hex" powers(revealed not to be magic, as previously believed, but an mutant ability to alter reality itself) went nuts, causing chaos and loss for her friends and causing the temporary disband of the Avengers. Later, under the influence of others, she reduced mutants to an endangered species with a simple phrase before disappearing. She seems to have made a return to the Marvel universe... though in what state remains to be seen.
Appearance Odds: Don't count on seeing her any time soon in an Avengers movie. You see, FOX has the rights to the FANTASTIC FOUR, DAREDEVIL, and X-MEN franchises. As long as FOX continues making films of these franchises than they have the exclusive rights to these movies. With the success of X-MEN: FIRST CLASS and a script for DEADPOOL in preproduction, it looks like Wanda will probably be joining Magneto's Brotherhood before becoming an Avenger.

2. Namor the Sub-Mariner
 Marvel's "First Mutant" is also one of it's first superheroes. Namor is the king of Atlantis. And you won't forget that anytime soon because he'll constantly remind you of just how much better he is compared to you thanks to his Atlantean lineage. Yup: Namor is a royal dick. But he's such an awesome character and he's more than capable of backing up those claims(Just ask Sue Storm! *OH SNAPS!*). More concerned with the safety of Atlantis than the goings on of the surface world, he has been in opposition to the Avengers about as much as he's been on their side. Despite what he may think of the rest of the Avengers(or what they think of him for that matter), Namor has a deep respect for Captain America, whom he had several encounters with during WWII.
Appearance Odds: Pretty good in my book. While *Possible Spoiler* it looks like the Avengers will be facing a threat from above in next years blockbuster, I wouldn't be surprised if a sequel dealt with a threat from below. Or to start out with anyway before revealing the real threat(after all, Namor is more antihero than he is villain). The only problem I can see is a problem that is shared by another half Atlantean/half human from a different comic company: DC's Aqua Man. Sure they rule the waters, which make up a 3rd of the Earth's surface, but there's this misconception that these Sea Men(no pun intended)have no power on land. On the contrary: thanks to their heredity and the pressures of the deep, both characters have superhuman strength and durability. Namor has stood toe-to-toe with guys like Thor, the Hulk, and the Thing. Plus, he's got no lame cartoon from the 70's that people remember.

The only other alteration would be to ditch the green and gold swim trunks and stick him with his black full body swim wear... Off topic, but every time I see Namor in his swim trunks I'm reminded of that one lyric from Kanye West's "The Glory": But with my ego, I can stand there with a speedo; And still be looked at like a fucking hero (Somebody tell kanyepluscomics I got a new pic idea for him.)

1. T'Challa, the Black Panther
I don't know why there was a lot of chatter when BATMAN INC. recruited Bat Wing to be the Batman of Africa. There's already a Batman in Africa... he just wears a cat outfit instead of that of a bat... and is under the MARVEL label instead of DC.

A member of the Panther Tribe of the technologically advanced African country of Wakanda, T'Challa has been training since his youth to earn the title of Black Panther and lead his tribe. After obtaining the title, T'Challa soon after joins the rank of the Avengers as a sort of ambassador for Wakanda. Stealthy, agile, athletic, and donning some impressive gear(including a suit infused with Vibranium, one of the metals Captain America's shield is made of), Black Panther certainly has some similarities the Batman. Including the matter of trust, as he and Iron Man don't often see eye-to-eye. Despite it all, T'Challa does his best to find the balance between tribe leader and being a member of the Avengers roster.
Appearance Odds: The question isn't when we'll see him but why haven't we seen him on the big screen yet?!? There has been talk of this movie for years. Weasly Snipes has been talking about starring in a Black Panther movie since the 90's. Since before the Blade franchise was even started. HE'S STILL TALKING ABOUT STARRING IN A BLACK PANTHER MOVIE!!! DOES SIMON PHOENIX HAVE THE RIGHTS TO THE BLACK PANTHER MOVIE?!? HOW THE HELL DID THAT HAPPEN?!?

So, those are my picks. We'll see you all here Tuesday with a special surprise! Until than, I'm gone!

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