Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Origins of Dutch/Dillon Day

Perhaps the reason I enjoyed the Mike and Bob show, or currently enjoy the Bob's Boneyard podcast so much is very egotistical...they talk about things I really enjoy. Whether they be sports, TV, movies, or weird guys with beards going into dangerous neighborhoods armed with guns, I always enjoy listening to the dudes talk about things I really like. 

This really came to be over a year ago if I'm not mistaken when one of the host Manny Fresh, also known on Facebook as Tug Johnson, whipped out his flashdrive and started watching Predator, what would follow from that encounter was legendary, the dudes started talking about Predator all day, everyday, getting, or trying to get, stars from Predator, and the new Predators on the show to talk about Predator. And after about a month of talking Predator the dudes on June 2, 2010 had what they called Dutch/Dillon Day, a day to talk about and dissect all things Predator, and of course dress up as either Dutch or Dillon from the movie, which meant either a Red Polo and khakis such as Dutch wore, or a pair of khakis slacks, with a white button-up shirt, sleeves rolled up and of course a tie like Dillon. Keep in mind, this was a radio show that was on for almost 10 years, and up to that point had literally done 1 themed show, and that was the day Nipsey Russell died. So them doing an entire 3 hour show devoted to all things Predator was unheard of, but wonderful.

All this coincided with my own rediscovering of Predator, 1 of my favorite movies as a kid, I've had it on almost every format, VHS, DVD, and now Blu-Ray, it was one of my favorite movies to quote, and I would watch it often on VHS as a kid, along with Back to the Future, and the Star Trek movies. The dudes talking so much about Predator re-ignited  my love for the film, all of a sudden I was watching nothing but Predator, Predator 2, and went to see Predators with a fun group of people, with bells on. So when the first Dutch/Dillon day came around I fully embraced it, it was a chance to dress like Dutch for the day (but in my case I looked more like someone that worked at Target) and talk about all things Predator all day. And of course watch the movie. 

So here we are with another Dutch/Dillon day upon us, so iron those red polos, blow the dust off your copy of Predator, and have fun conversations with your friends and loved-ones about the Greatest Action Movie the decade of the 80s gave us.

All though its been said many times, many ways, Happy Dutch/Dillon Day to You!

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