Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Big Brother 13

I would say that CBS's Big Brother reality show is my guilty pleasure however, I don't believe in guilty pleasures, so I have to accept that I love this trashy TV show, and wow! Is it trashy, seemingly more and more so each year.

The best say to describe the show to people that have never seen it, is imagine if someone put cameras in a mental hospital, if you did so, I'm pretty sure the results would look something like Big Brother. There is something about watching complete strangers yell at each other for petty things, that really makes me happy (for some reason).

This year the big twist is going to be that there is 8 brand new houseguest, and 4 returning couples from Big Brother past. I'm sure that will add something great to this years addition of the show, but if there's one thing I've learned, it doesn't really matter who is on the show as long as there is drama...and there is always drama in the Big Brother house.

Big Brother has been a Summer institution (and one time in Winter) for about 12 years. Each year I watch every episode, rooting for my favorite people and getting angry at the people I Hate. Big Brother isn't so much a show to me as much as it is a sport judging by the way I root for people. Throw in the drama and I guess you could call Big Brother "Sports Entertainment" 

So, in honor of a new season of the greatest reality show of all-time I give you not 1, but 2 Top 10 Lists. I have a feeling this will not be the last time I post something about Big Brother on the Blog.

Top 10 Big Brother Houseguest of All-Time

1. Dr. Will (Season 2 and Big Brother All-Stars)

Early on in Big Brother All-Stars The Evil Doctor actually told the other houseguest to vote him out, he stood and pleaded with the house that they needed to vote him out. Not a single person cast a vote to kick him out of the house, he would end up making it to the final four of that season, he also won Big Brother 2 by lying and cheating the entire time. He took a Survivor mentality to Big Brother by forming alliances, and using them to get further in the game, until they were of no more use to him.

2. Kaysar (Season 6 and Big Brother All-Stars)

Kaysar was attacked early in Season 6, and with the entire house against him it looked like he would have an early exit. Kaysar formed a relationship with the other outcast Janelle, and together they turned the house upside down. Season 6 was the season everyone came in as a pair, the twist was each team thought they were the only pair, Kaysar exposed that, and would form one of the strongest alliances in Big Brother history. 

3, Janelle (Season 6 and Big Brother All-Stars)

At first look, Janelle was another dumb blonde, the show has a history of those, however as everyone would find out in Season 6, she was one of the smartest people to every play the game. She was smart and athletic and won almost every challenge she participated in. She made it to the final 3 in both Season 6 and Big Brother All-Stars.

4. Jessie (Season 10 and 11)

Jessie wasn't one of the best players, but he was one of the most fun to watch. A big reason I love the show the way I do is the drama, Jessie was great at creating drama and causing many a loud shouting match. Because of his nature to stir things up he was kicked out early in Season 10, he came back again the next year and actually played the game, he still didn't win, but was good at playing the game.

5. Nakomis (Season 5 and Big Brother All-Stars)

The term "back-door" is used often on Big Brother, it is basically a way to kick somebody out of the house without them having a chance to defend themselves. That idea had never been done before until Season 5 when Nakomis came up with it by herself. Since then it is one of the most used ways to get people out of the house, and houseguest live in fear of it all the time. Nakomis never won, but she changed the show forever.

6. Evel Dick (Season 8)

Evel Dick couldn't win competitions, he wasn't well liked by the other houseguests, but he played the best psychological game in Big Brother history, he shouted at the other houseguest nonstop, he had his son write him letters containing clues on who he could trust and who not too (houseguest are allowed letters, but they can not contain anything about the show, he and his son worked out a code though). Dick also reconciled with his daughter who was also on the show, and the two of them made it to the final 2, and Dick would win the show.

7. Dan (Season 10)

Dan was one of the best winners the show has had, he played the game the entire time, he won competitions, played the psychological game well, and was well liked by most of the houseguest with the exception of Jerry of course. Dan won the show as America's Player, which means he had to do stuff at the request of America, which made his win even that more impressive.

8. Jase (Season 5 and Big Brother All-Stars)

Jase was the guy Nakomis "back-doored" in Season 5, he was one of the strongest competitors in the show's history, strong, athletic and smart, Jase won several competitions, and was a threat from day 1. However, he never really had a chance to play, he was back-doored in Big Brother All-Stars as well.

9. Russell (Season 11)

Russell like Jessie liked to stir things up, and create drama. Unlike Jessie who didn't want to fight, Russell had no problem fighting, in fact he liked it. Russell created drama and fights with almost everyone in the house in Season 11, including a couple of great confrontations with Jeff, who was the most popular person on the show.

10. Adam (Season 9)

Big Brother 9 could be looked at like the bobo season, it is the only season to take place during the winter instead of summer (because of the writers strike) but Season 9 Winner Adam still played a great game, a likable guy in the house he busted many of the houseguest balls, and yet he was well liked. Since however, he has got into many legal and financial problems. First he was fired from the school he taught at for his use of the word "retard" when he said on the show that he was a special needs teacher, and that "I love those little retards" and later got into tax troubles for not claiming all the money he won on the show. Still, if they have another All-Star edition, hopefully he'll be there.

Top 10 Foxiest Houseguest in Big Brother History

1. Jen (Season 8)

2. Erika (Season 4 and Big Brother All-Stars)

3. Janelle (Season 6 and Big Brother All-Stars)

4. Rachel (Season 12)

5. Diane (Season 5 and Big Brother All-Stars)

6. Jennifer (Season 6)

7. Britney (Season 12)

8. Laura (Season 11)

9. Michele (Season 8)

10. Michelle (Season 4)

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