Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Shameless Self Promotion

From time to time I will look at other blogs, just to see what other people are doing, and I discovered one thing...I'm the Best, I'm ever so humble, but if I had to rate my own blog I would say it was something like Ali in his prime. So after looking at several blogs most which are long winded or boring I visited a blog I go to often, a friend of mine's I Too Am From Earth which I highly recommend everyone check out, its quality stuff, and thats when I noticed, one of his blog entries was just a listing of Googles Top 10 Searches of the Day, his way of driving traffic to his blog, so since I've given due credit to the creator of this idea I believe that I will pay homage (a fancy french way of saying Stealing) to Matt and do the same thing. I'm very curious actually if this will work at all.

Todays Hot Trends (USA)

Top 10 US Searches According to Google Trends

Since I brought up Self Promotion, Hey Who Wants a 300 Thoughts and Running T-Shirt, or I guess the better question is, who doesn't? I've ordered several for myself as a self promoting tool, and have already had several people order them, they really are great looking shirts (whoever designed them is just wonderful) and you can have one of your very own for just $10! What a steal, if your interested just email me and I'll send you pictures of the designs I currently have available.

Ok, enough about me, I'm done self promoting at least for the moment and back to talking about other people's work, next up The Wu, the new Wu-Tang album came out today, I bought it, and gave it a quick listen, I'll listen to it again, and write up my review for that, and that will probably be up tomorrow, so be on the look out for that.

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