Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Lil Wayne "Sorry 4 The Wait"

Albums get pushed back all the time, so it's not really that big of a deal, more times than not it just builds anticipation for the album. However in the case of Lil Wayne his "Tha Carter 4" was delayed once again, so what does he do, releases a mixtape as an apology...if only every artist apologized in that way.

I have a very love/hate relationship with Lil Wayne, its hard to argue that the dude is an unbelievably artist, but everytime I'm buying in to the hype that he is the Best Rapper in the game, he'll release a rock album meant for tweens that hang out at the mall. Then he'll release a track like "6'7" and follow it with an acoustic track once again me aimed at tweens. 

So with that in mind I was curious which Weezy we were gonna get on his "Sorry 4 the Wait" mixtape, and thankfully we got the 6'7 Wayne. Traditionally Wayne is at his best on his mixtapes, the acclaimed "No Ceilings", "Da Drought" series The "Dedication" series, and so on. So it almost shouldn't be a surprise that Wayne killed on his mixtape, this is the type of thing that makes me once again think he is the best rapper in the game, lets just hope that "Tha Carter 4" doesn't disprove that again. 

For those that don't know, on Lil Wayne's mixtapes, he uses other artist popular beats and raps over them. You may ask, how can he legally do that, well, because he gives it away for free, and if you give something away there are no copyright laws, its the same principal of how a band can perform any song live without having to pay for it.

Wayne uses a wide assortment of other artist beats, everyone from Big Sean's "My Last", Adele's "Rolling in the Deep" Drake's "Marvin's Room" Waka Flocka's "Grove Street Party" and the list goes on and on. It is a wide assortment, I think anytime you have and Adele beat and a Waka Flocka Flame beat on the same mixtape you are either doing something very right or very wrong, Wayne did this mixtape right.

The mixtape has 12 tracks, all of them are solid, and there are no real misses. My favorites are "Grove St. Party" which features one of my new favorite artist Lil B, "Hands Up" which uses a Big Sean beat and the title track "Sorry 4 the Wait". Favorite tracks aside, all 12 songs are quality, which isn't bad, especially for free music.

It seems like everytime Wayne does something brilliant as in the case of "Sorry 4 the Wait" he follows it up with something that leaves you asking "why", however, the next thing he is planning on releasing is his much hyped, much talked about "Tha Carter 4", with that in mind hopefully it'll be worth the wait.

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