Sunday, December 18, 2011

1. Dork Trek

On a recent episode of the Dork Trek podcast Lt. Cmdr Bob Fresh said they just reached their 20,000th download, this actually made me extremely happy to hear, because for a long while I was convinced this podcast was made just for me, as if someone reached in my head and came up with my perfect idea of entertainment, that some of the guys behind the Bob's Boneyard Podcast and Mike and Bob Show would do an entire podcast just talking about Star Trek: The Next Generation, it was reassuring to hear that they had more than just myself as a listener. However, when I say this show was made for me I'm not exaggerating, in the episode "Secret Gay" the guys spend 5 minutes doing Juvenile-voice, somebody maybe only 7 people still remember, and most of those people also don't like TNG, they constantly bring up many of my other favorite shows, like The Simpsons, Seinfeld (seemingly every episode) Futurama, etc. The basic idea of the show is simple, they watch and review each episode of TNG, talking about the story of the episode while adding commentary as they do, and at the end rating each episode on a scale from 1 to 10. While its fun listening to them talk about the high ranked episodes like "Q Who?" or "Measure of a Man", its every bit of fun listening to them talk about episodes they either didn't like or were indifferent towards, their review of "Skin of Evil" entitled "Dead Dead Dead" featured the dudes doing 15 minutes of batman-voice and talking about what a horrible doctor Dr. Crusher is. Even though I consider myself a fan of TNG, they point out things that I never noticed like The Real Picard Maneuver, Step  1 Turn Around, Step 2 Surrender, Step 3 Blow Up The Ship!! They also pointed out what a terrible doctor Crusher was, and an even worse mother, and how much better Dr. Pulaski was, all things before this Podcast I never noticed.

The crew is made up of Lt. Cmdr Bob Fresh, Lt. Cmdr Dennis Black and Asian, Lt. Cmdr Tug Johnson, Lt Cmdr Zell, and Lt. Cmdr Ben McCormick, with the occasional guest, each member adds there own spin on things, Dennis basically serves as moderator, while Ben, seemingly an expert in all things Trek, serves as the Trek expert, leaving Zell, Bob, and Tug to add commentary, everyone on the show has their own tastes, and opinions about what makes a good episode, and they are all hilarious when it comes to poking fun at TNG and the entire Star Trek Universe. This Podcast is for everyone from the casual Star Trek fan to the diehard, and is literally unlike anything else out there, Star Trek podcasts take themselves way to seriously, and the motto of the crew of Dork Trek is "Actually, We Do Have Lives". For me this is really the best, greatest, and funniest thing to come out this year, someone recently said to me when I was quoting an episode of Dork Trek (again) "I think you're starting to like Dork Trek more than you like Star Trek" and I think they are right!!

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