Sunday, December 18, 2011

4. "Goodbye, Michael"

When the 7th Season of The Office started everyone knew Steve Carell was leaving the series to pursue other opportunities, so it was coming as no real surprise when an arc started towards the end of the season that would leave to Carell's character Michael Scott having to leave the office he loved so much. What was a surprise however was the final episode that featured Michael Scott, it was funny there was no doubt about it, but it was also surprisingly very touching, and not in the usual everyone cries sort of way, in fact the most touching moment for me and several people was when Michael Scott said his trademark phrase for the last time "That's what she said" only this time it was off mic and almost inaudible. It was great to see him tie up the relationships with everyone in the office, and the moment with him and Jim in his office and Pam at the airport where full of emotion, but emotion done right, not overly-sappy.

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